Muy bien

Was disappointed to discover that I slept through a thunderstorm last night.

Collected hire car this morning. As yet, I haven't driven it - left that to the menfolk.

Pool time with the boys (toddlers and teenagers) and then had a bit of a leisurely swim by myself. Until my brother bombed me and climbed out, fist pumping and shouting "younger brother!"

Went to Zenia boulevard and, for a change, didn't buy anything from Desigual! James and Lewis bought shoes and sunglasses. Mum and I did coffee and cake, then the boys joined us for more cake. Lovely afternoon.

Evening activities involved a wander down to the taberna with Faye and team Dunwood. Spanish measures of gin and the discovery of a lovely strawberry cider drink.

Now on tea and soft drinks with Cards against humanity about to be played. Also we appear to be listening to progressive jazz ...I think my brother is having s mid life crisis!

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