
By AndyG1982

To do list

35 items on today's to do list. I got through about 7 of them.

Very busy day at work. Followed by a busy evening consisting of two visits to the tip. One visit to homebase. One visit to The Range website to order some furniture, and one visit to www.TheCheeseShed.com to spend a gift voucher we get as a wedding present and never got around to spending yet. 4 types of cheese, some chutney and two bottles of blackcurrant cider will soon be winging their way to us through the magic of the Internet. And a courier.
Buying cheese on the Internet! We really do live in the future!!

In other news my Mum recently finished a 6 pack of eggs and every one of them was a double yolker. She seemed very excited about this, she mentioned it on Facebook every time she cracked one.
I've told her to prepare a statement for the press.
Watch out for the breaking story soon. I'm sure it will be eggcellent!

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