The one that didn't get away!!

Oh my, have I got one seriously happy daughter!! Today she landed 13lb salmon! It was then released as their policy is catch and release! I have a feeling that there may be a wee bit o' merriment in the highlands tonight!

Yesterday's BBQ went extremely well. The sun shone and we were all very warm! Everything went according to plan. Little Miss enjoyed her day too making the most of a captive audience! We also managed to clear away everything last night finishing at 10:30pm . We were shattered but thank goodness we did as today it has poured with rain all day.

Farming - Rusty was on muck spreading, while the other two were on compost haulage. We also had the JD 6830 repaired as the head gasket had gone. It is feeling much better this evening and ready to go again !

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