Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

A room without a view

A view of a TV that is. See yesterday's blip for the theory; this is the practice ...

The therapeutic journey

So: went back to work today. Both better and trickier than I had expected. Better in that my anxiety levels were okay, people were lovely, there were no nukes in the work pile. The first email I opened was from a man in Shanghai trying to sell me hairdryers. That put me in a good mood for some reason, it was so absurd. Trickier in that I didn't realise how tired I would get; got in at 9.00 and by 12.30 I was fading fast and came home. 

TSM now works for my mob and was keeping her beady eye on me, and The Dizzle also came over from the other side of the building to check on my progress.

So all in all not bad but feeling tired tonight and a little ... well light headed is probably the best way of putting it.

CBT and an afternoon shift tomorrow.

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