
My Dear Fellow,

An odd day. I turned up at work at 7.30 for the first day of my new contract at the Gyle office. I swiped my card for the gate outside.


The gate did not open.



I beeped the intercom. "I think I've expired," I told him. Perhaps not the best way to put it, but he knew what I meant.

He beeped me into the building, but couldn't let me go up to my desk. "You need Level Three clearance," he told me.

Level THREE? Gosh. That sounds serious. I think that means Theresa May or The Queen. 

Given that this was 7.30, I decided it was unlikely any senior managers would be around for a while. I decided to eff off for a day off. 

This is how I found myself in a cinema watching the "Ghostbusters" remake just two hours later. It wasn't bad. I quite enjoyed it.

The afternoon was somewhat blighted by a hayfever attack, but it was way better experiencing it that way as opposed to at my desk looking at spreadsheets.

So then. An odd day. I'm going to rate it as "above average" though. Sneezes be-damned, I wasn't at work. Woohoo.


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