Rough And Tumble
Apologies for the third successive doggy blip...but needs must...
Inspired by some dog games from JohnW the other day and also an article on sports / action photography in this quarter's EOS Magazine, I thought I would have a go.
So camera out, into manual mode - high shutter speed, reasonably large aperture and consequently quite a high ISO (which the 6D handles admirably), and into burst mode with multi focus points activated! Phew
Point the camera at the dogs and hope. Milo is a terror for jumping around at Finlay and he only responds by jumping back. They have these incredible scraps with lots of growling and barking - but so far no blood drawn! I do wish that he would actually try to control her to stop her jumping at him all the time. Anyway they seem to enjoy it like a couple of rumbustious kids
Added a couple of extras today - lots of canine energy! The technique seems to work - but quite hit and miss. More practice needed
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