Col du Torrent

WHR Day 7.

* Thank you for the appreciation for Lac Bleu's blip yesterday, 2 front page Blips in as many days, very honoured.

The longest (metres of ascent) climb on the Route today, but also one of the easier due to a really well thought out and built path.
We had a forecast with a 96% chance of rain - yet we managed to stay in the elusive 4% all day. The overnight rain had fallen as snow high up, fortunately it had melted away by the time we reached our high point of 2919m.
That cold might have contributed to the distress of this magnificent moth we found crawling on the path, in extras is a shot of it on my hand as I helped it onto some flowers and (hopefully) out of harms way.
Edit: With the help of a friend at Nature England we now believe this to be a Hyles euphorbiae, Spurge Hawkmoth. It's apparently an exceptional example at the limit of their size range . Tip to tip it was about 4 inches across. Probably blown up from Southern Europe, the last few days we've seen a lot of Sahara sand too.

As I know some of you like the mountain views I've also put an extra that shows the view across Lac de Moiry to the Pointe du Tsate

Notes for self
LA5-7/10. Ib4.

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