Ready to Go!

2years 287days

Katie is all set for our London adventures! We leave very very very early tomorrow morning, for a day in the Capital. We're very extremely excited that we are spending the day with lovely blippers Catherine and Trudi, and Callum. SO excited to meet them! We've been planning this a while! We are going to the Hyde Park concert and screenings, then stay with my brother for the weekend, along with Catherine. We're going to watch the Marathon, we're having a day exploring London and then we're going to finish our trip with our first night , just the two of us in a hotel, before our big day out to the Olympics on Tuesday! Very excited girlies!! She is going to be the most enthusiastic flag waver and Pride the Lion cuddler!

A busy day today - we're helping at our Chruch holiday club this morning before we go very quickly to get a bus to the old village to look after Amelie again. We're going to a play afternoon at a community centre, then probably head to the park in the sunshine.

We'll not be back til quite late as a group of the mums are having a get together to say goodbye to Amelie's mummy and family. So we've packed up ready for the off now, and we'll say ByeBye Blipland til Wednesday! Eeeek!!

The Olympic Mini Series

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