Having a .....

...... cuppa at the Dene!!
As we were arriving an ambulance car shot passed us and into the car park, apparently one of the patrons had collapsed ? what was the cause! In another few minutes an ambulance had arrived, in that short time the paramedic had erected an infusion and done a ECG , wow that's when you know we have an NHS ! Speed of the essence in most cases. ?
We had an enjoyable cuppa, which was certainly needed as I had been in the garden for several hours and pushing the mower was a " killer " for me, but until I find a gardener that's how it will be from now on as " A" isn't able to do it now. My back just didn't like it at all , I've been in so much pain, hey ho that's how it is!!!

Happy ..... to have finished the grass ( even through the pain! )

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