Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady


I was playing in tge dog field with the dogs. I was getting them all to sit then throwing a toy and calling individual dogs to go get it. I sent Dris and he seemed to be takng forever so i went to see what was going on and found him investigating a hens nest. My naughty hens have being laying out for the last month. One nest down, many more to find. One hen came home with one chick yesterday so i made her a pen. She was not happy with me herding her and her baby into said pen!

This morning i made a big batch of liver treats for the dogs. I was very popular!! Husband has spent all day bringing the 80 silage bales one at a time from the field to the yard. Early to bed tonight i think, feeling pretty rough today with a persistent headache verging on a migraine.

16 sunshine and cloud.

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