Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

You can't beat a good book...

When you are a modeller you need to have a good supply of reference material.  The internet may be useful at times but a lot of it is shallow, inaccurate, misleading and lazy writing.  I had an example of that only today when researching the dates for the transformation of Highland Omnibuses Ltd into Highland Scottish in preparation for deregulation.  The writer of one article obviously didn't know what he was talking about (One was the registered company using the brand and the other was the brand) but he made a strong case in defending the indefensible when I challenged him.  I checked a couple more websites and the error had been compounded.  Of course this happens with the printed word too but far less so because the authors had to make sure of their facts to enhance and protect their reputations.  

My bookshelf - I have three more like the one above - contain only those tomes that I have over the years come to rely upon and regard their accuracy highly.  They may never win awards, my sort of book never does but they will be with me until the end!

So next time I want to check if a train service from Oban to Balachulish stopped at Portnacroish on Sunday afternoons I'll be checking my David and Charles Railway Histories of Britain volume, West Highland Railway by John Thomas and not, 'Puffer Chuffer's foul mouthed rant on his silly pointless blog, 'Bring back f*****g British Railway's and **** the Capitalists'. (Even if it has a selection of copyrighted pics stolen from other websites).

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