
Bandit: It's a special day today.
Dylan: Is it because it's Sunday?
Bandit: Well, yes, but more than that.
Dylan: Is it because it's the last day of July?
Bandit: It is Dylan, but it's someone's birthday.
Dylan: Isn't every day someone's birthday?
Bandit: I guess so, but this is someone on blip!
Dylan: Is it my birthday?
Bandit: No, it's Cailleachs
Dylan: Is that the nice lady who gives us hearts and star sometimes?
Bandit: Spot on. I hope she has a great day.
Dylan: Me too. Do you think she will like this video?
Bandit: I hope so.
"A potato is a potato no matter how much I want it to be a carrot"
From Bunny Buddhism

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