The Living Years

By emmaneni1



What I'm about to say is a secret...

Met D in Bath for breakfast,had a smoothie and a full English. It was lovely to see D and to catch up. Jealous though of all these people buying houses.

We were then joined by Welsh and S who wanted to go for breakfast. After saying goodbye to D we went to Boston Tea Party. I am very ashamed of what happened next... I had a second full English.

Train home... Yay! Devon! Went shopping with dad which was actually quite pleasant, we had a nice chat. For some reason along with the very middle class shopping on the list my mum had requested a bottle of Lambrini. As I picked it up I explained to my dad how we used to call it 'tart fuel'. A couple of aisles later we bumped into 2 lads I used to be very good friends with a long time ago... They spotted the tart fuel, remarked on it, mentioned the name tart fueland after I said it was for mum they suggested that I hid it under the bread.... Aaaaah! Do parents ever stop being embarrassing?!

Made everyone a nice salad for tea, mum had to have hers in bed as she couldn't move with her bad shoulder.

Went for a walk round my gorgeous farm.

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Very annoyed I didn't make sure the cities were correctly lined up when I took this.

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