The Balloon pops!

To the Gilded Balloon press preview show, where this merry band of Australians entertained with their witty take on pop songs. They're called Lady Sings it Better and EdiSteve and I are looking forward to seeing their show proper.

Other acts included The Blanks - acapella band from TV's Scrubs, who were excellent; cheesemeister Bob Downe; comic magicians Morgan and West; the ever-fabulous Fascinating Aida; lovely young daddy comic Andrew Bird; excellent Kiwi comedian compere Jarred Christmas; differently amusing Kiwi Al Pitcher; ukulele Kiwi Munfred Bernstein; art critic comedienne Hannah Gadsby; hilariously silly Swede Carl-Einer Hackner; Aussie funnygirl Celia Paquola; and mime clowns Simple Matters (er, do you mind asking Steve?).

We had a lovely time, then had a massive crepe outside ...

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