Bristolwood and Beyond

By bristolwood

Little Wounded Warrior

I was outside this morning when a Swallowtail Butterfly caught my eye...I quickly grabbed the camera and made my way to the Butterfly Bush where I had seen it land.

Sure enough, the butterfly was still there, sipping from the purple tiny fragrant flowers. As I approached, I realized I didn't have the telephoto lens attached, so was a bit concerned my subject would flitter away.

I moved in, taking several shots, then moved even closer. Instead of flying off, the butterfly patiently posed for me, turning about on the flowers just as a model would on a runway! I got so close, I couldn't even believe it!

After the little photo shoot, I went in to review the photos. Instead of a perfectly formed butterfly, this little one had tears and holes in its wings. One of its "tails" was missing....I do know that Swallowtails can be very territorial. As I looked at photo after photo of the butterfly with fully opened wings, I felt like I had missed my "photo op" for the day.

Then, Eureka! I had captured a few photos of the butterfly as it was sipping away. As I looked at this particular photo with the butterfly seemingly looking right at me., I knew I had found my Blip! My little wounded warrior is so beautiful....even with all its "battle scars"!

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