
By DramaQueen

Feed Me!

The seed (pardon the pun) for this FSF entry was planted a couple of weeks ago, when I commented that my greenhouse was turning into the little shop of horrors as my tomato plants were getting so big.

It was a lightbulb moment, so I've been planning how to do it ever since.

Where would I find a decent set of teeth? Well, luckily I'm in the right job for that, so my demo model came in handy!

I did consider a different scene (which I may still do at a later date); those of you who are familiar with the movie can probably guess which part, but I won't include spoilers (just in case!).

My 'Audrey II' is a much less ravenous creature; just a humble tomato plant, but I do have to feed it every day.....just with liquid feed rather than human flesh!

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