A Hawk Staredown

After Great Lakes, waterfalls, and lighthouses...back to normal. A ride into the country to find what I can find.

My 4 blue heron nests have been evacuated. Everybody gone. Well...almost everybody. In the biggest dead tree...I counted 9 turkey vultures, 2 of them on a nest. Perhaps they take them over? I put one of the turkey beauties on my flickr page...along with 2 more shots of this hawk.

I drove by the hawk on a busy road. 2 quick U-turns, and I found a place to pull off. A few shots in case he flew off...then...closer and closer. In fact...I got too close...almost directly underneath him. He let me take 134 shots before taking flight. I just missed a good shot as he prepared for take-off.

Slap it into LARGE to get a look at the steely eyes. If you want to see my backblips of the weekend...click WEEKEND. On each day...click to the flickr link. I posted a lot of shots on there.

I had a great few days with my son Jeff...doing GUY stuff.

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