Birthday Princess

It was Ashleigh's birthday today, she wants to be a Disney Princess. She was very excited at being 20....I'm finding it hard to remember when I was twenty. We had bought a cake for her and some of her family arrived at our tea time with a princess cake they had made for much for me being good today as it would have been rude not to have a piece.....wouldn't it??

I took a quick pic but had the wrong settings and so this is all I can offer for today...I'm a total plonker :(

As for being old....I was taking the needle out of a donor and as I checked her sheet the name rang a bell. I looked at her date of birth and thought I was thinking of the wrong person as surely the little girl I taught in kindergarten couldn't be a woman of 30!!!!! Yes it was her and I felt very, very old although I have to say that she was in the very first class I took.

It is Film Star Friday tomorrow....I hope I have time to take a pic before work. 

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