Lovers Tiff.... the park, while grown men search for Pokemon.

Film Night:

1st FIlm: Hologram for the king:

A strange film that really doesn't go anywhere but I think that's the beauty of it. I really enjoyed it. Tom Hanks really is a fantastic actor. 7/10.

2nd Film: Daylight's End

I heard a few good reviews of the horror but they didn't really ring true with me. It was ok, but that's it. I really think if you're going to do a zombie/apocalypse/living dead type thing these days it's got to be amazing to stand out, this film really needed a good twist as it just seemed to trundle along. I read one reviewer say they never get spooked by horrors but he jumped out his skin at least ten times, I'd like to know what version he watched. A few cool action sequences raises the score to 6/10. 

Mr Bo Hingles

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