Covered in Bees

By PaulFS


A gorgeous evening last night - my favourite type of evening for photography. Clouds and colours. Much better than back garden safari's!

Realised as well last night that I must have gone over 5 years of blipping! I haven't hit the 1825 yet as I haven't uploaded every day, but I have taken a photo every day and eventually when I work out how to get an extra 6 hours a day into my life, I'll catch up and get those backblips on :o)

Speaking of time, I am sorry to have been a poor blipmate and not commented on journals. All of us know that you eventually get to this point and you also eventually stop apologising! 

I get so little time lately for photography and I've had mojo problems too, but I still love it and I still skip through your journals and photo's when I can, but I do feel a bit distant lately.

Anyway enough wallowing!

Another photo here and one more here :o)

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