Skyscrapers, Black Clouds, Aylesford

I think today's shot was influenced by watching two Imagine documentaries one after the other. The first was on Georgia O' Keefe and was fascinating - I really loved the interviews with her later in life, her wit and intelligence and zest for life and her art shone through so beautifully. It makes me really want to go and see the retrospective of her work at Tate Modern.
The second one was on Cornelia Parker - her art is very different but full of ideas and emotions. I particularly like how her work has darker elements to it while also being stunning to look at - they really make you think hard. Her blown up shed (she got the army bomb disposal unit to do it!) where all the pieces are re-hung from wires and then lit to create a wonderful series of shadows is just superb. Her latest project was to build a version of the Pyscho house on the rooftop of one of the art museum's overlooking Central Park in New York, it was so cleverly done and though provoking.

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