Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

Shasta daisies...

...because they remind me of my dad! Quick blip, then friends arriving for lunch.

Tiny Tuesday follow-up

Thanks again to everyone who took part this week – hope I found everyone...  I didn’t mean to confuse anyone by saying the theme was just tiny – all I meant was that it’s macros as usual!


First, in no particular order, the hearts for the five macro shots that leapt out of the screen at me:


Freyjad's hoverfly

pipersmom's spider

TeeJay's icy bokeh

Mombo's cabbage white

CatchitwhenIcan's colourful fly


The hearts will appear at some point during the day – they are randomly replenished by Blip Central!


I went for a theme with the honourable mentions – an uplifting blip, either in image, journal or a combination of the two, which I thought we’re all in need of right now...

Again, in no particular order they are:


Riwaka's unfurling poppy

weeflecky's prayer flag

Ingeborg's fennel flowers

Kiz75's wishes

Ham5on's beads

Beckett's bee relay


Don’t count – I know there are six, but there were six pages of entries this week, and believe me it wasn’t easy to make my choices ;)

Thanks for having me as a guest host! Osuzanna is hosting throughout  August, and next week’s tags are tt62 and TinyTuesday62. ( It helps the host to find them if you put the number on ).

See you then!

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