Still life
Honestly. I barely have the energy to lift my head off the table and pick up that rather nice glass of Chilean red.
Actually, right right now I'm lounging in bed using Mr B's phone as a wifi hotspot. Gosh, I'm so, like, now. Anyway it's better than standing half way up the stairs.
Long day. Early morning painful departure from Mam and Dad's after a fabulously relaxing stay. If we'd been able to stay another day or so it would have been perfect, as by then they'd have been fed up with us. As it was, Mam was a bit sad about it all.
Once home, straight into the challenge of cutting a large garden of grass up to my thighs with a hover mower and a pair of edging shears. The job became even less appealing when, after hacking back some of the jungle, it became clear that our rake was not hidden, but nicked. I mean really: who steals a grass rake? When there's a beautiful hebe in a pot to take? Sigh.
But despite the hurdle of grass allergies and poor equipment choice, the job was done. And in the middle of it a proper paying job was finished too. Back to it now, and then I have an appointment with that big glass, a Mars Bar and a sofa.
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