Getting the sparkle back

By DomesticGoddess

Reticello Urn by Dante Marinoni

In the Museum of Scotland on Chambers Street. Dante Marinoni is an American glass artist and reticello is a traditional Venetian glass blowing technique which combines canes of glass in a criss cross pattern which are then merged to form a grid. The process also traps a bubble of air in each square of the grid. Not the kind of thing you would pick up after a couple of shots.

I was at the museum with Sarah who I hadn't seen for probably a couple of years. We caught up over coffee and lunch in between looking at the Celts exhibition. I would highly recommend the exhibition which tells the story of the Celts through their art with lots of beautiful objects.

You weren't allowed to take photos in the exhibition but we passed this urn on our trips to and from the cafe and I saw it in various lights and took a few pictures of it, so I opted for it as today's blip.

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