My Pebbles.

I had quite a stressful morning trying to juggled problems at work, loosing reception on a very important phone call and Daughter Number 2 messaging me with news from the results of her CT scan. Its all left me with a bit of a headache but we got there in the end.

The best sentence on Sophies scan result was 'No lymphadenopathy'. Such a relief. She is still none the wiser as to why all her glands are swollen but she has to go back in 4 weeks for another blood test for her inflammation markers. She messaged again saying she really needed a 'Mummy Cuddle'. Bless her.

The car is still poorly - they had to get a specialist in to remove something or other. Mr W knows better than to stress me with car problems, but his car problem turned into my work problem as we were meant to be working with the same family today and because he wasnt there, I had some incompetence to deal with! Come back Ray, all is forgiven!

But at least he had time to do garden maintenance instead. He's finished making the pond edging so that's all good! It will just take him a few days to paint it now! 

Here is a little collection of Heart Pebbles found on various beaches over the years (there are more!), displayed on a freshly painted wall top!

Now watching Carpool Karaoke with Chris Martin.....just what I needed to cheer me up cos I is a little bit grumpy!

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