Norman Rockwell Museum

This shot is from our visit to the Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge, Mass, where Rockwell (1894-1978) lived for the last decades of his life. Presumptuously, I view the as a sort of a homage to Caravaggio's stunning  "Basket of Fruit", his only pure still life, now in Milan's Ambrosiana.  Best known for his decades of magazine covers (above all for the Saturday Evening Post), Rockwell's work ranges much more widely than that suggests. I was especially struck by The Connoisseur, borrowed from a private collection as part of an exhibition on "Rockwell and Realism in an Abstract World"; his take on Jackson Pollock is clearly painted exactly Pollock's manner.  I didn't previously know the work;  it was a real treat.

We had  met our friends Jane and Marty in the Berkshires for lunch (midway between Northampton and their country house in the Hudson River Valley). 

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