A Meandering Life...

By Skeena

Superbums & MM131 Hearts

These are the Leucanthemun x superbum that grow under my front window. They are also know as Chrysanthemum x superbum, Chrysanthemum maximum or Shasta daisy. They're about 3' tall.

It would be difficult to pick just one of these daisies as being the best. I've had the same job picking just 5 Mono Monday images.

I'm pleased the theme 'Link' didn't prove too hard and it was great to see such a wide interpretation. The 5 that took my fancy this week were:






That's it from me for a good while. Hope you've had fun doing my challenges. Next week will be hosted by JDO who has set the theme of TASTE with the tag MM132. All her themes have been given in advance and can be found on the link. 

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