Fay's Photo Challenge

By Faylm

White Feather

Today's theme: What you found today

Well this was kinda hard considering by 4pm I hadn't 'found' anything.

If it was yesterday it would've likely been the 50p piece that my husband had which we 'found' had cool symbols on it for WWF.

If it was the day where I had gutted my daughter's bedroom I would've found 2 bottles of nail varnish, a bottle of foundation and tweezers all belonging to me, along with 2 pairs of scissors, 7 pens and numerous socks.

If it was a day a few weeks ago it'd have been half a kitkat which I had forgotten about and found happiness in finding chocolate in the house.

If it was 12 years ago (not precisely to the day of course) it would've been the ficus tree that sits in my livingroom which we found abandoned in the communal bins and which we rescued and has been with us ever since.

But by 4pm today I had found nothing...not even 'found something out'
So after listening to me moaning saying that I was stuck for a found thing, my husband suggested I go out into the back garden to see what I could find there.
Initially I found these feathers and thought great I'll take these.
But then unusually I decided to go out into the front garden to see what I could find and found this white feather sitting right at my doorstep.

(So I took the feather in, placed it on a piece of black felt and took the shot. This photo has no added effects aside from a little cropping to take out the windowsill)

Some people believe that feathers are sent to us from angels. I'm not sure if I actually believe this (cause after all it is more likely to be just the simple fact a bird has lost a feather and grown a new one) but I always think of this when I see a feather, especially a white one.
If you believe, then white feathers are supposed to be a sign of spirituality, hope, protection, purification, moon blessings, faith and truth.

So I'd like to think that someone up there is watching over me and sending me all these things.

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