Change is in the air

I think that the Winter thing has got itself sorted and we are about to make up for lost time.
This was the view this arfo when The Boss and ME went walkies and altho it was unseasonably warm at the time that didn’t last.

Oh…We had an amazing display of “Small Dog Syndrom”  today.

WAIT WAIT WAIT…I am NOT a small dog…OK. I am medium.
It plainly says on the outside of my grub bag (made in The Netherlands)….Medium Breed…Medium…Got it…Right!

Errr where was ……Oh yes. So this Fox terrier is running towards us and I send a dmail for a meeting. WELL it stopped dead in front and started barking and shaking and generally behaving quite oddly as it’s lady owner was yelling something at it. I just stood and looked. Couldn’t figure it out at all and The Boss just quietly said “Leave it” and that seemed a good idea so I did.
More highly strung than The Boss’s Ukulele….If he actually had one…He hasn’t thank goodness.

I hate to think what may have happened if it had actually met a Fox but as we don’t have these I guess I will never kno.     

It is pouring with rain outside now and walk prospects are not good for tomoro.


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