Ill Seen Ill Said

"The expression that there is nothing to express, nothing with which to express, nothing from which to express, no power to express, no desire to express, together with the obligation to express."
I keep returning to this sentence.

Fantastic feast in The Black Pig in the Gourmet Capital, with RP1 and Sus. Oysters, anyone? Delicious German Pinot Noir (who would have thought?)? And a side order of a fascination with Beckett, including a photo of the 2CV he drove from 1963 until his death in 1989. It is, incidentally, the car in which he drove André the Giant to school for years. I kid you not.

That was all very lovely. Nice to see RP1's amazing new digs. Now I need to get to bed before she drags me out for a 7am swim in the icy waters.

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