Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Not much opportunity to blip..

I've been in bed an awful lot today ...
Watched a whole series of TV on the decade of the 70s... I'd forgotten how violent it was ... So many planes hijacked and people blown up or shot... The IRA setting off 25 bombs in one day .... The Munich Olympics where hostages were killed ... It was pretty much daily violence all over the world ! So tell me this ... The 60s had loads of problems ... So did the 50's... We had world wars before that .... When were the 'good old days ' people harp on about ?
These ARE the good old days ...

Sky Arts ... 7 shows on different aspects of the 70s... It's worth a look .

Day 1 in the new boob house ... It's not as painful as the frozen shoulder I had .. That made me cry ... The boob operation is uncomfortable but I'm not even nearing tears ...

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