Germany Day 7 - Garden Parties.

There are some days that are just so perfect you know you will remember them for ever. Today was one of those days. The band played at the Cafe Waldkristall. It's in a clearing in the forest. The weather was fantastic, the audience were wonderful and the band played the best they've ever played. Ulrike, the owner of the cafe kept us all supplied with drinks and provided us with the most wonderful cakes I've ever tasted. The audience kept on growing throughout the afternoon and was probably about 100 strong at it's height. We couldn't have wished for a better last gig of the tour.

The extra was taken at yesterday's evening garden party. This newest member of 'Borderline Crossing' is the 6 year old grandson of the owner of the garden where the band played to about 80 people. Once again the audience loved them and didn't want them to stop playing. I lost count of how many "go on then just one more"s they did.

German word of the day - Knoblauch (back to giggly schoolgirl humour I'm afraid). This was featured a lot on the menu in the Italian restaurant where we ate in the evening still on a high from the afternoon garden party.

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