
Public health warning: 

Today's extended journal entry is a rant. Sort of. Let's call it self expression.  I seem to have been doing a lot of that recently, by sharing my sketchbook that says in images more than I can, or should, or want to, in words.  Thank you everyone for 'listening'.  Your comments these last ten days have been read and fill my heart, although I know I have not, as yet, replied to most of you.   So, for now, read on, or just enjoy my photograph - that comes of course, from a different age of communication, (unfortunately, undated, but presumably 1950's). Recently discovered by moi, it is of my maternal Grandfather, who was for much of his working life, Chief Electrician at London White City Stadium, originally built for the 1908 Olympics and demolished in 1984. 

Anyway, I digress.  Back to today's topic: 

So, this day, 25th July 2016,  began as most do when I am in the UK, with a cuppa and checking Facebook to see what friends are up to around the world (literally) as colleagues and students past and present, check in and share their news. This day then continued as every day has recently, with wishing that I had not.  Bad news, sad news, and images I can't unsee.  So disturbing was one photograph from Turkey, shared by several friends, that after mulling over my choices, I decided to make  a statement on Facebook (copied below). 

 "This morning, chuntering through FB to catch up on what 'friends' are up to, I have made myself physically sick. This happens every day now. Whether it's wrathful 'eye opening' exposes of the American presidential election, or the aftermath of Brexit, or the murder of World citizens with acts of despicable violence, or photographs of distressing scenes of cruelty or neglect towards children or animals - the weak and defenceless, all with the subtext of reminding me of the inhumanity of man - or even just political ridicule thinly disguised as rhetoric - it all makes me sick. Literally. I too have been responsible for forwarding such posts wrapped in a shroud of righteous outrage. Yet, "sharing" such "news" means also sharing the distress with my "friends". It doesn't change opinions, it just confirms them as we share with those who probably share a similar point of view and philosophy, that's why they are our 'friends'. From now on I will use FB to share with my friends the good and the joy that makes me glad to be a participant in this human race. I am sick of feeling sick."

(oh,  and btw, today's Mono Monday theme is "links" of which there are several in my blip today - including, and most especially of course, my photograph that is "communication" - linking people mid C20th style! Thanks to Skeena for hosting Mono Monday once again.)

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