An Invincible Summer.....

By TheFlipFlopper

Give us a hand.....

.....bu-dum-bum! ;)

So here is the result of the shoot that took place all the way back in March!

I wasn't too keen on the polish colour at the time but it came out really nice in the pictures.....and the old trotters don't look too bad either ;)

Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, it's at the end of your arm, as you get older, remember you have another hand: The first is to help yourself, the second is to help others.
~ Audrey Hepburn

Coming to all good bookshops near you, soon! ;)

And I still cannot believe that it is August already.....and I have missed so many blip days.....I have missed it here, but I am sure now that all technical problems have been resolved, although I am actually doing this on the sly at work haha!

I have so much commenting to catch up on, so I better get on with it.....after work of course!

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