Toughest one yet..

Last night at work was pretty brutal! It was the hottest I've ever known it in the shop. We didn't have a thermometer, but I'm certain it was way above the 30  centigrade they recommend as the highest safe working limit, as it's close to that on a normal night! Our thermometer has conveniently broken so we have no idea how hot it actually was.

Every customer felt the need to point out that it was hot. Yes. I'd noticed! Most also wondered aloud how we could work in this heat, and declared that they couldn't do it. Like we are some sort of superhumans. It's just as well, otherwise they'd be sweating in their own kitchens, making their own food!

By the end of the night my ankles were really hurting, and I realised I had a bad rash on them. My first thought was a recurrence of the cellulitis that hospitalised me last year, but I didn't think it really could be as I didn't feel ill. I'm pretty sure it's just prickly heat, which I have never experienced before, but Dr. Google confirms it! 

Walking home took twice as long as normal as my ankles hurt so much. But Jeri had ran a 30 mile race around a Glasgow wind farm today, and I kept telling myself if she could run 30 miles I could walk home!

Today has been Jae's 19th birthday, but I didn't get to see him until tea-time, as he had to leave the house early to play a football match.We went over to see Jeri and family and I took the photo of her medal!

We took Jae out for a meal - only to Wetherspoon's, but it was good! He has a mate here now and they are having a few drinks and playing computer games. 

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