of a couple of humans at the beach of the North Sea.
Thanks to JanetHH for hosting the Derelict Sunday challenge.
We cycled to the sea in the morning. A bit more wind, but there were no waves to speak of. A nice swim, for me more floating!
A great Sunday for going to the beach, walking along the shore, or settling at the sand.
We had a lazy afternoon and started to pack some things for our travel tomorrow. Back to the Weserbergland.
Mischa has her summertraining week and we'll see her only for a short time tonight.

My haiku:

Lazy summertime
Wish I could describe the colour
Of the sea and sky

And the quote by John Ruskin, The Stones of Venice (1851-53):

The purest and most thoughtful minds are those which love colour the most.

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