Pembrokeshire Puffins

For the last umpteen holidays, Him Outdoors has been on the search for puffins. Our boat trip out this evening has finally seen his wish fulfilled. Although , we were all nearly as taken with the Manx Shearwaters coming in across Ramsey Sound as the sun started to drop.
A lovely first full day today. We ran this morning and came back to wait for the food shop. We met our host who told us of the farm fair which we visited this afternoon.
They surfed in the middle while I did the van trips and took a few photos. I have walked 25,000 steps today.
After the evening boat trip, we came back to the cottage and I cooked curry. Pretty perfect!
Oh - and I purchased a new wet suit. Once again., I will endeavour to join the ranks of surfers - no-one is overly optimistic.

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