This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

out of focus...

oh what a mess! I am sure Stewart will tell the story better than I but as it affects me too here is my version.

Stewart's flight that was supposed to leave Chicago at 3:17 yesterday left at almost midnight instead and his flight to Edinburgh left at 8pm. So he was not on it and arrived at an airport with no one to assist him after 2am. He has been stranded in New Jersey ever since, trying to get the 8pm flight for tonight (he is on stand by). Oh I hope he gets it, if not there is another flight later tonight, but man he is exhausted having not slept since Monday night.

Everything feels like a type of purgatory currently. He's not relaxed and I am not relaxed...we are just waiting for him to get to his home, which hopefully will happen between 2 am or 4am my time tonight or 8-10am Edinburgh time tomorrow. Apparently United has been of little help to him, not telling him anything. It was our dear friend Jennifer that suggested he get a day pass to the club where he could shower, make free domestic calls and have free wi-fi and snacks... Why didn't a United person tell him this was available when they knew he was going to be delayed so long- they gave him a $20 voucher and that was it.

Anyway, we hate to be apart but right now we just want him in Edinburgh.

In other news, because of the mental American climate among other things, I would also like to be in Edinburgh. I don't know if I am just wound up from Stewart being gone and stranded or the heat or what but the news today was so disturbing. Oh I can't get into it but i will link to it. Free Birth Control for women and a bunch of other life saving tests... well that is like Pearl Harbor.... and tons of people flocked to Chik-Fil-A to eat chicken in support of hate.


But while I was writing this, I did get the good news that Stewart is on the 8:05 flight to Edinburgh so he is finally going to be headed home. Treat him well Scotland. x

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