SPhotography-One Year V2

By SummersPhoto

Blowing Raspberries

Whilst we were having dinner tonight, I happened to look down and saw the new cat doing this looking back up at us!! Not quite sure if he is tasting the air, getting ready to taste some of our chicken, or generally being playful! Suffice to say it was pretty funny at the time for Steve and I!!

I ordered some new albums tonight, look forward to getting them in.

Spoke to an old friend from Heathrow days and was great catching up. It was as if we only saw each other yesterday, but in reality it's been 6 months. Friendships and relationships take effort on both sides to stay in touch and be a part of each others lives still. It doesn't matter how much time has passed, you know that true friends are still always there at the end of the phone.

Happy 1st August folks - where has the year gone?!

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