Blooms, and a Boy Making Butter

It's Flower Friday, and we were going to the perfect place...a local estate with a beautiful garden. Merrick's day care group were going on a field trip, so my daughter and I went with them. The problem? It's 95F (32C) here, and the heat even effects 5 and 6 year olds. The 2nd problem? I thoughtfully and carefully packed my lunch...then left it on the kitchen counter.

Luckily for me, they were having a Taste of Applewood. Even when Merrick's teacher said to only take 1 cookie...I took two. When we got to the next exhibit, while the kids were busy shaking the heavy cream into butter to put on the apple bread...nobody noticed that I pilfered two pieces (and they were the crusty ends!) To go with the bread, they had homemade apple sauce.

We cut our visit short because of:
A. The heat.
B. I think the teacher thought there would be more "kid-friendly" activities.
C. Nobody wants to see a grown man cry because he forgot his lunch. (I sure could have used that juice box.)

It was still fun.

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