
By SueScape

Made it!

Five years four months ago I was diagnosed with ovarian/primary peritoneal cancer, stage 3. The conference case at the time decided I had 3-4 months to live, no surgery was suitable (although they gave me the choice) and I was offered chemotherapy for 4 months. 

We knew from our reading that the prognosis was not good, that statistically only 20% of women with this diagnosis reached 5 years survival. I took the chemotherapy option. And here I am, celebrating my 70th birthday today.

Chemo on Wednesday has not left me feeling as bad as predicted and I am up and about instead of in bed. Even better - and the best birthday present I could have  - my tumour count dropped an unprecedented amount, from 600+ to 84 in just 6 weeks. When I get down to 35 I am considered to be in remission. Fan-tast-ic.

Dinner in the garden now with my nearest and dearest. What more could I ask after 70 wonder-full years? Every day is a blessing.

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