Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

It's late

It has been a rather eventful 48hrs.

At about this time on Tuesday evening - I'd blipped, drunk a couple of glasses half a bottle of wine, done my homework for the training session I was attending the following day, and was just about to go to bed - the phone rang.  It was the police.

Dad had been out on his mobility scooter in the dark, at 2230, (why?) and had fallen off the kerb, ending up in the road with the scooter on top of him.  Passersby had kindly picked him up and dusted him down, a passing doctor checked him over, and the police managed to work out where he lived and took him home.  They found my phone number up on his pin board - they'd called an ambulance but there was going to be a delay, could I come and sit with him?

They had to come and fetch me - I couldn't drive after that much wine.  So if my neighbours were wondering why a police car took me away at midnight - there is an innocent explanation.

I decided he was more in need of a good night's sleep than a trip to A&E, so I cancelled the ambulance and tucked him up in bed.  That was a performance in itself - 111 couldn't help, and told me I would have to dial 999 to cancel an ambulance - which seemed to me to be an abuse of the emergency number!  It's fortunate I have contacts.

Next morning, he didn't seem too bad, so I arranged a GP appointment for Friday, and flew off to Manchester, where I was due to attend a training session the following day.

Multiple phone calls during said session, as his carers decided they wanted the GP to check him over - he now had a swollen hand - and the GP decided to send him up to hospital.  He has become noticeably more confused over the last week or so - I wondered if he was perhaps coming down with an infection.  When I arrived back in Norwich last night, I popped in to see him - I was pleased to find him looking quite bright.

Finally home - almost exactly 48hrs after the initial phone call.  At least it had cooled down, sleeping was less difficult than it has been for a week or so.

I have also blipped for Wednesday, should you be interested. 

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