Lala's Journal

By Lala

Leaving Dinner

The last day of term and the team finished on a high with a lovely school.

Quite a weird day as the CEO unexpectedly summonsed me to see him at 9am, whereupon he spent 10 minutes telling me how wonderful I and my team are and how education underpins the tourist attraction . After that, I had to answer some key points of a complaint that had come in regarding the day before. As this was mainly about me, I had passed it over to a senior manager who having spoken to me answered it far better than I could have done anyway. That is the third complaint the education department has received since we started in 2001 and whilst it is probably a good track record in most people's books I hate when we don't give 100% satisfaction.

I stayed late because a long serving popular member of staff is leaving this week and a lot of us got together and joined her for a farewell dinner in the Castle View restaurant. It was a lovely evening with yummy food
And as I had worked an additional 2 hours without interruption, I got so much done I have booked tomorrow off!

The photo is of the peahen with her four chicks that were born this week. For any interested parties reading my journal, my title usually refers to the journal rather than the photo, making it easier for me to find diary entries in the future. Whilst I took on the 365 challenge relating to photography I discovered the journal element is now as important.

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