


On the theme of reflections, this is the surface water of an old trough which is fed by the overflow from the spring. The fuchsia flowers seem to think it's the end of September and are falling in red swathes. There's a bundle of them which fell onto the water.

Fionn is hobbling around on crutches and can't do much at all. He's sleeping on the couch because stairs are a bit too much for him still. He's heading up to CUH tomorrow for the routine post-hospital check-up.

My Breton friends have caught the ferry back to Roscoff today. Even with the 3 boys here the house seems quiet without them.

I spent most of the day catching up with housework and gardening. It was mercifully dry and sunny for most of the day and I managed 3 washes which duly dried in the wind.

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