3640 S

This is a specialist tractor designed for fruit farmers - who knew such a thing existed? The S designation means that it has a slightly wider cab than the V (for vineyard) variant and there are two further versions which differ in that one has a wider cab while the other doesn't have a cab as it is aimed at those working under low trees. I think I must have been off the afternoon we did tractors at school but we might not have covered them in this much depth where I grew up - the parkie might have had a tractor but fruit came from the grocer at the corner of Slade Lane and we had no thoughts of the magic involved in it arriving there. Tractor fetishists might recognise that I blipped this rascal in February. 

Also in February I mentioned the new clock on Clock House. Today I noticed that it was missing and when I asked I learned that it didn't deal well with the recent rain. Clock House is once again sans clock.

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