Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Happy birthday Tits McGee ...

Firstly can you all just send Tits some love ... Her dad died last week after a particularly revolting tussle with dementia ..so DDLC and I decided to have a tiny birthday party for the half orphan ...
Eve and Lucy who adore 'Wheeze' as they call her also did a Disney panto ... I was so sweaty when they left that I had to go in the shower .. I did switch it on not just stand there ... ANYWAY sweaty parts aside HAPPY BIRTHDAY TITTY WOMAN... You are loved xxxx

And Graham .. I shall fondly remember discussing the lawn you told me not to tread on despite the fact it was actually dead as you over treated it due to the evil illness ... Oh and the kerfuffle with the hose that needed fitting ... Oh and I'm sorry I kept confusing you by yelling 'remember me'.. To be fair you did laugh and say no .. G'night Mr Payne xxxxxxxxxxx

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