Belated Birthday Meal

Not a great start to the day as I smashed my wing mirror reversing onto the allotment in the am - on a damn bramble that I'd cut back at some point. Revenge of the bramble indeed! A few hours spent watering and weeding after opening the coop - not my turn but as usual The Coop man was late, and in fact sent his teenage children to open who proceeded to feed them dry bread - I soon put a stop to that! Told them wet was ok but they just left! I was pleasant as it's not their fault but obviously I scared them - wish I had the same effect on their dad!
So home, shower, posh dress instead of grotty allotment clothes and off France Dweller and I went to The Springer Spaniel for lunch. Such delectable food, as one would expect from a Masterchef winner! We started with Mussels with a white Wine foam, then an Onion dish prepared in many ways which was just divine, then this sumptuous Dark Chocolate Delice! Espresso outside in the sun afterwards and 4 hours later we headed home very happy! 

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