Home Sweet Home

I was up early to try to catch some peace and coolness. Then had a morning outside working in the sunshine before driving back to Hampshire. I was glad to get home as I was feeling weary.

After an hour to sit down and unpack, I went up to my allotment. I was concerned about how the plants would have coped in the heat without any water. I was relieved to find they seemed remarkably well. I watered the plants but in the process had a bit of a fight with the hose as the sprayer nozzle came off and it was a real battle to get it on again - I got rather wet but it cooled me off! I picked some French beans and more peas. The peas are nearly finished now. I think I will have to try to stake them up more strongly next year as they have collapsed in on top of each other.

It was good to have a change of scene and fantastic to be outside these past few days, but equally it is nice to be home. This picture is of the old jail in Brecon, not such a home sweet home.

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