Peaceful - Äskhult

Unbeknown to us, the Friday after the summer solstice is a public holiday in Sweden, and people have a tradition of merriment and much consumption of alcohol. It’s also a time of fertility, so perhaps the two are connected. We wanted to go to a nature room near Varberg to get info, and look at the birds; we did the latter as the room was closed. We re-evaluated our plans and went inland as it was much quieter. We went for a walk on a nature trail at a large terminal moraine and then on to Äskhult, where there are four farms from a couple of centuries ago. There was masses of wildlife, including an adder basking in the warm sun. The blip is of the wee lochan where the animals were watered and the extra is of a Fritillary that stopped long enough to be photographed. 

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