640 by 480...

Admittedly, I think it was myself that set the camera to 640 by 480 but I seem to have a Technology Gremlin lurking in the vicinity of the computer.

It has been spotted and is reported as being around 2 feet tall with blonde hair with a name beginning in Beth... and ending in ...any.

Bethany like looking at her pictures and one video of her jumping in muddy puddles, on the computer and I sometimes set them up for her as a slide show.

We came back to the computer's desktop background being set to one of her pictures, which is easily explainable but she's managed other things which I just can't explain.

Over the last couple of days Bethany has managed to get a screen lock prompting for a password, on. Luckily no password was set, but I've never used the thing and don't really know how she managed it.

Today, she managed to turn the wireless adaptor off. Mrs TFP phoned me at work to see if I could fix it but even when I got home I thought it would be a simple combination key press to turn the adaptor back on.

Nope, I had to go into the Device manager and re-enable the the thing. I have absolutely no clue how that was managed from possible random key presses.


On the spot where I took this, this morning right outside the house, there is now a hoofin' great fire engine sitting purring away where there were 2 a few minutes ago. I think I'd better investigate.

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